
Penn State College of Arts and Architecture
Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State


Volunteer Event Team

The position is responsible for greeting patrons in the lobby, answering questions, assisting with seating needs, distributing performance programs, and collecting lost-and-found items, if any, at the end of each performance. Events are staffed on a semester basis. Flexible hours.

Email Kelly Kaiserian at kvk2@psu.edu or via phone at 814-865-4727 for additional information.

Volunteer Event Team Advisory Board

The Volunteer Event Team Advisory Board makes recommendations to the Center for the Performing Arts audience services manager about policies and procedures relating to volunteers. The board also suggests ways to enhance the performing arts experience for audiences. The members are:

Ruth Bell
Emily Gregory
Lyn Horning
Joanne Juhl
Frank Pope
Kathy Matason
Roseann Sieminski

Center for the Performing Arts full-time and part-time employees and volunteers are welcome at Volunteer Event Team Advisory Board meetings. Contact Kathy Matason for information about meeting dates, times, and locations.