Dancing with Ailey II
Community Room
Second floor (Elevator and stairs available)
State College Municipal Building
243 S Allen St, State College
Email Jordan Wilson at jaw7142@psu.edu to be placed on a waiting list if space becomes available.
Dancing With Ailey II is an open class that will focus on Alvin Ailey’s Revelations. Since its premiere in 1960, Revelations has been a lasting cultural treasure beloved by people from around the world. Revelations has performed continuously around the globe, transcending barrier of faith and nationality, and appealing to universal emotions, making it one of the most recognized ballets in the world.
The workshop is open to dancers of all abilities age 12 and older. We recommend that participants wear comfortable, loose clothing and bare feet.
Movement will be taught in this class, but modifications can be made to accommodate the participants that might have mobility challenges. There will be space for those with mobility devices, and some chairs will be available. For more information about other available accommodations, email Medora Ebersole or call 814-863-6752.
The workshop is held in collaboration with Tempest Studios.